It's true, Steven Moffet is writing a 50 year anniversary episode about ALL ELEVEN DOCTORS!!!! Somehow, even though it violates the rules of space-time (and real-time as well, three actors are dead) The Doctor will have all the previous Doctors help him. For more info, go to:
 On another note, I didn't draw the image above, I got it from Google (
C.J. Charlebois
6/6/2013 12:58:53 pm

hey katie!!! just a btw i'll be checking your blog all the time!(If you don't remember i'm that weird sevie that actually thought he was cool enough to say he was your friend. pffft, yeah right.)

6/8/2013 02:10:12 am

Hi C.J! We should get together some time this summer, and don't be surprised if I don't update my site for months, that happens a lot.

C.J. Charlebois
6/10/2013 02:49:22 am

awesome!!! :D hope too see new posts this summer!!!! :]

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